Thursday, 20 February 2014

Pat styled on Diz

What a match. Great performance especially from Pat. I said he needed to prepare properly and he did. For his efforts he kept the KOTD title and he deserved to keep it. I just don't think Diz brought enough heat to topple the champ.
So let me break it down. The first round was really close. Both funnily enough, had similar angles and if Diz didn't stumble so much I might have given this round to him. Pat was clean and polished and therefore he edged out the 1st. From here on I thought Pat really took control of proceedings. It seemed like the more Diz tried to hype up, the more Pat's chilled out relaxed swag kinda made him look like a petulant kid. Pats style and angles just seemed perfect to nullify Diz. Frankly, Pat sonned him in all three rounds. I don't mean that he destroyed him I just mean that he made Diz look immature, and it felt like he was schooling him not only in the battle but in how you handle yourself in everyday life. Diz would always comes aggressive with his shit and he was nice, but as I said Pat just won out by fathering him, out doing him in terms of content and style. His tactics were perfect. For me, he won every round, not by much but he did.

[My Verdict 3-0 Pat. No body bag]

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